BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER–ENGLISH LITERATURE | English for competitive examinations | 16AMBEEN3 | major | phoenix of literature


S.No. 4646                                                                                                                  16 AMBEEN3

(For candidates admitted from 2016–2017 onwards)

Part III — English — Major Based Elective

 Time : 3 hours        Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION — A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the questions.
1.      Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:
a)      He can play ------------- Veena.
b)      Let me have ------------ glass of water.
2.       Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:
a)      She has been away --------------- Sunday.
b)      I have known him ---------------- six years.
3.      Fill in the blanks with suitable tense form of the verbs given in brackets:
a)      They ----------- (arrive) in a day or two.
b)      The prince ----------- (grow) into a great warrior.
4.      Choose the right form of verbs given in brackets:
a)      A car, as well as a fridge ------------- a necessity these days. (is/are)
b)      My sister, along with her two children ------------ (has/have) arrived.
5.      Add suitable question tags:
a)      You haven’t heard of it ---------------.
b)      I am the youngest man here.
6.      Fill in the blanks with suitable words given in brackets:
a)      There was a ------------ traveler on the road. (loan/ alone)
b)      She took inferior decoration as the -------------( carrier/career)
7.      Frame two different sentences using the word ‘FAST’
8.      Make sentences using the following idioms expression:
a)      A far cry
b)      Child’s play.
9.      Write one word substitution for the following:
a)      Without the name of the author.
b)      One who takes a bright view of things.
10.  Correct the following sentences:
a)      One of the dacoits were shot dead
b)      Don’t miss with those sort of people
SECTION — B (5x 5 = 25)
Answer ALL the questions. Choosing either (a) or (b)
11. (a) Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:
i)                    It was -------------- glorious victory.
ii)                  ------------ naughty children are punished.
Use appropriate prepositions for the following sentences:
iii)                He congratulated me ------------ my success. (for/on)
iv)                She is far superior --------------- her husband in intelligence. (to/than)
Add suitable question tag:
v)                  You will come tomorrow---------------.
       (b) Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs:
       i) The children ------------- (play) in the ground now.
      ii) Every year we ------------- (celebrate) the temple festival in august.
      iii) The PM ------------- (leave) for Russia next week.
      Choose the correct form of verb and fill in the blanks:
     iv) Every tree and every plant --------------- water. (need/needed)
v)  Cricket as well as other game --------------- a lot of time on the T.V. (take/takes)

12.  (a) Fill in the blanks with correct words:
i)                    It was cold, wet day and the children felt ------------- (boared/bored)
ii)                  The --------------- is the backbone of India’s economy.(former/farmer)
iii)                Frame two different sentences using the word ‘RIGHT’.
iv)                Frame a sentence using the phrasal verb – ‘to get to’.
(b) Read the following passage and answer the questions:
            Arabia is mainly desert with sand and rock only. To walk with bare foot on hot sand during day time is difficult. There are springs deep under the ground. They make a cool, green and shady place called Oasis. Arabs living in temporary tents move from one oasis to another. They use oasis water for the horses, camels, and goats. They eat ripe figs and date fruits. Camel the ship of desert is used by the Arabs for carrying loads, instead of horses.

i)                    What kind of land is Arabia?
ii)                  What is difficult there?
iii)                What is Oasis?
iv)                What do the Arabs eat?
v)                  Which is called the ship of desert?

13. a)  Spot the errors and correct them:
i)                    Either I or she love pet animals.
ii)                  Civics are my favourite  subject.
iii)                He gave me a lot of advices.
iv)                I prefer to travel in train.
v)                  If I was a bird I would fly.

(b) Spot the errors and correct them:
      i)          Many a man do not know his own deeds.
      ii)        This bag is too heavy for lift.
      iii)       She stood besides her mother.
v)                  Hundred miles are a long distance.
vi)                He wears a HMT watch presented by his uncle.

14. (a) You have just returned from a place of tourist internet. Write a letter to your father telling him all about the place and the experiences you had there.
(b) Make notes of the following:
            Music rises from the human heart when it is touched by the external world. When touched by the external world, the heart is moved and therefore finds expression in sounded these sounds combine with one another and produce a rich variety and we have rhythm.
When the heart’s chord of sorrow is touched, the sounds produced are somber and for long. When heart’s chord of satisfaction is touched, the sounds produced are glowing and expansive. When the chord of anger is touched, the sounds produced are harsh and strong. When the chord of piety is touched, the sounds produced are simple and pure and when the chord of love is touched the sound produced are sweet and simple. These six kinds of emotion are not spontaneous but are moods produced by impact from the external world.

15. (a) Expand the idea contained in the following proverb in a paragraph
“Where there is a will there is a way”.
(b) Write a short essay on the following topic:
“The attraction of foreign travel”.

SECTION — C (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any THREE questions.

16. Complete the following sentences by filling articles:
      a) Varanasi is ------------------- holy city.
      b) The guide knows --------------- way.
Supply the correct prepositions for the following sentences:
c)      H e will come back --------------- two days.
d)     She was very fond --------------- reading novels.
Fill in the blanks with correct form of verbs:
e)      He often ------------ (visit) us in the evening.
f)       Before he built a house in the city he ------------ (buy) a plot.
Choose the correct form of verbs given in the brackets:
g)       Apple pie and custard ---------------- (is/are) my favourite dish.
h)      The cost of all these articles ------------- (have/has) risen.
Add suitable question tag:
i)        Sheela won’t win the first prize, ------------?
j)        It was an horrible accident, ---------------?

17. Read the following passage and answer the questions:
            Sunitha Williams’ experience in NASA (National Aeronautic Space Administration) in America wasn’t typical. The scientists were given schedule every Friday. There she learnt more about her job. First she learnt about American and Russian side space station. Then she learnt about the heating system energy and regulating it. She also learnt about power, motion, control, and making the space station. There she was busy in NASA.
a)      How was Sunitha’s experience in NASA?
b)      How was she in NASA?
c)      What did she learn there first?
d)     What were the other things that she learns?
e)      Where is NASA and expand its abbreviaton?

18. Spot the errors and correct them:
a) Either my sister or my brother is coming.
b) Each of them want to buy a book.
c) She is a heiress, rich beyond words.
d) Ramayana is in every home.
e) I prefer coffee than tea.
f) The young Major was the chiefest suspect this case.
g) They have lived here from March 1982.
h) He said that he may visit his uncle soon.
i) She was travelling in a bus.
j) She has beautiful hairs.

19. Write a letter to the Manager of a Bank asking him for information regarding the bank loan facilities for further studies.

20. Write an essay on the following topic:
“The changes in communication in the last 20 years since he internet emerged”.


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