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Bharathidasan university sample question paper | communicative english | English for communication - I | November 2020 | ug degree examination | all first years

  BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER S.No. 14816 D                                                                                                                                                                 (20CEL1) (For candidates admitted from 2020-2021 onwards) U.G. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2020. Part II – Communicative English ENGLISH FOR COMMUNICATION - I TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                                                  MAXIMUM: 75 MARKS SECTION A — (10X 2 = 20) Answer ALL questions. 1. List any four challenges of listening. 2. Identify the verbs in the following lines. i. The milk for the city comes from a private diary. ii. After the presidential address, the chief guest inaugurates the cultural week. 3. How important is the topic sentence in a paragraph? 4. Frame sentences using the following adjectives: i. Expensive ii. Delicious iii. Informative iv. Delightful 5. D