UGC NET Question paper | Paper 1 | Teaching Aptitude | 2011 - 2012

UGC NET Question Papers
PAPER - I (2011- 2012)
Teaching Aptitude

1.     The aim of value education to inculcate in students is ------------
a)    The Moral Values
b)    The Social Values
c)     The Political Values
d)    The Economic Values
2.     By which of the following methods the true evaluation of the students is possible?
a)    Evaluation at the end of the course
b)    Evaluation twice in a year
c)     Continuous Evaluation
d)    Formative Evaluation
3.     Suppose a student wants to share his problems with his teacher and he visits the teacher’s house for the purpose, the teacher should ------------
a)    Contact the student’s parents and solve his problem
b)    Suggest him that he should never visit his house
c)     Suggest him to meet the principal and solve the problem
d)    Extend reasonable help and boost his morale
4.     A teacher is said to be fluent in asking questions, if he can ask ------------
a)    Meaningful questions
b)    As many questions as possible
c)     Maximum number of questions in a fixed time
d)    Many meaningful questions in a fixed time
5.     Which of the following qualities is most essential for a teacher?
a)    He should be a learned person
b)    He should be a well dressed person
c)     He should have patience
d)    He should be an expert in his subject
6.     For maintaining an effective discipline in the class, the teacher should
a)    Allow students to do what they like
b)    Deal with the students strictly
c)     Give the students some problem to solve
d)    Deal with them politely and firmly
7.     An effective teaching aid is one which -----------
a)    Is colourful and good looking
b)    Activates all faculties
c)     Is visible to all students
d)    Easy to prepare and use
8.     Those teachers are popular among students who ----------
a)    Develop intimacy with them
b)    Help them solve their problems
c)     Award good grades
d)    Take classes on extra tuition fee
9.     The essence of an effective classroom environment is ------------
a)    A variety of teaching aids
b)    Lively student-teacher interaction
c)     Pin-drop silence
d)    Strict discipline
10.   On the first day of his class, if a teacher is asked by the students to introduce himself, he should --------------
a)    Ask them to meet after the class
b)    Tell them about himself in brief
c)     Ignore the demand and starting teaching
d)    Scold the student for this unwanted demand
11.   Moral values can be effectively inculcated among the students when the teacher -------------
a)    Frequently talks about values
b)    Himself practices them
c)     Tells stories of great persons
d)    Talks of Gods and Goddesses
12.   India has the highest number of students in colleges after --------------
a)    The U.K.
b)    The U.S.A.
c)     Australia
d)    Canada
13. The best method of teaching is to ---------------
a)    Impart information
b)    Ask students to read books
c)     Suggest good reference material
d)    Initiate a discussion and participate in it
14.    Interaction inside the classroom should generate ------------
a)     Argument
b)    Information
c)     Ideas
d)    Controversy
15.“Spare the rod and spoil the child”, gives the message that ---------------
a)    Punishment in the class should be banned
b)    Corporal punishment is not acceptable
c)     Undesirable behaviour must be punished
d)    Children should be beaten with rods
16. The type of communication that the teacher has in the classroom, is termed as -----------
a)    Interpersonal
b)    Mass communication
c)     Group communication
d)    Face-to-face communication
17.  If you get an opportunity to teach a visually challenged student along with the normal students, what type of treatment would you like to give him in the class?
a)    Not giving extra attention because majority may suffer
b)    Take care of him sympathetically in the class-room
c)     You will think that blindness is his destiny and hence you cannot do anything
d)    Arrange a seat in the front row and try to teach at a pace convenient to him
18. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good achievement test?
a)    Reliability
b)    Objectivity
c)     Ambiguity
d)    Validity
19.   For a teacher, which of the following methods would be correct for writing on the blackboard?
a)    Writing fast and as clearly as possible
b)    Writing the matter first and then asking students to read it
c)     Asking a question to students and then writing the answer as stated by them
d)    Writing the important points as clearly as possible
20.  A teacher can be successful if he\ she -----------------
a)    Helps students in becoming better citizens
b)    Imparts subject knowledge to students
c)     Prepares students to pass the examination
d)    Presents the subject matter in a well organized manner
21.  Dynamic approach to teaching means ------------------
a)    Teaching should be forceful and effective
b)    Teachers should be energetic and dynamic
c)     The topics of teaching should not be static, but dynamic
d)    The students should be required to learn through activities


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