Moon Festival Summary by Bei Dao


                                                   “Moon Festival”

-          Bei Dao

Moon Festival summary by Bei Dao - PHOENIX OF LITERATURE


This poem was written by Bei Dao.  He is a Chinese poet, professor, essayist and fiction writer. He has been nominated for Nobel prize in literature continuously many years. Moon festival talks about the cold war in 1989. His poem provoked the people of china. He wants the people gathered like an ocean and voice out against the struggles of the innocent people. This poem indirectly conveys the message for people of china to wake up for themselves.

Background story of “Moon Festival”

  The Moon festival was celebrated by ancient Chinese people. In ancient times, the people said there are ten Suns are given light to the day. So the people are died due to unbearable heat of the Suns. In that time a person named Hou Yi shot nine Suns and saved the people from the burning rays. Because of that the queen of heaven gave him the immortal portion. But Hou Yi loves his wife so he didn’t want to drink it and live an eternal life without her. But it was stolen by one of the student of Hou Yi and she drunk it then flew to moon to fulfil her own wishes. After that, people praised her as goddesses and they believed it increased their wealth and prosperity. It was said that the girl also gave all the wealth to the people. So they celebrated moon festival with enthusiastic dance.

An Allured Night

The poem “Moon Festival” can be interpreted in many ways.  When the moon is full on sky, a lot of events are happening. The full moon always denoted for many allured things at night but the poet feels that the moon is an unwanted guest to disturb the privacy of young lovers. It portrays like a thief and stole the private time of that couple. The poet begins this poem by describing a romantic scene. A Lover’s sit and enjoy privately  at night. The couple sit happily near the pond and moon’s appearance reflects in water. The moon is compared to an infant under water by the poet. Then the poet used the word ‘periscope’ as a verb. Periscope is used to see things deep into water. Like that the moon saw the lover’s deeply.

An Uninvited Guest

The poet says that the most beautiful moon come as an uninvited guest and it disturbs the privacy of couple. The moon sparkles over the houses and other places by its light. So that couple search for dark place to hide. Then the poet compares the moon to a friend and the couple tries to hide from him. But the moon continuously watches them by its moonlight and it makes the couple nervous and their hand’s fluttering. The poet refers hiding of couple is hiding truth from the people but it is difficult to hide because the people continuously watching what is happening everyday.

A Burning Deck

The poet shifts the scenery from peaceful and romantic situation to the confused and struggling environment. In that time of Cold war, the city resembles a burning deck and the frozen sea compared to the helpless people of China. It refers to the revolution and political turmoil that took place in Beijing. People of china have nothing to do in the struggling situation.  The poet shows next symbol as faucet which is a dripping water pipe and a reservoir. Then the poet compares drop by drop leaking of water is the steps of the people to come out from all struggles. He wants the reservoir like country to an ocean.

In the end the poet says, drop by drop hard work are not enough to come out from the struggles of people. An independent nation needs ocean full of water. The poet relates moon festival with the cold war of China, if the people won their battle by integration. All their struggles are fly away and they blessed with wealth and happiness. Then the people celebrate their victory with enthusiastic dance. For that, the poet prays and wishes for their country must be saved.








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