UGC NET Question Papers (2018 – 2020) | QUOTES and POETIC LINES | Part 1 | Phoenix of literature

UGC NET Question Papers (2018 – 2020)



1.     “Even so distant, I can taste the grief”

Work: “Deceptions”

Writer: Philip Larkin

Art Form: Poem

Publication: 1950

2.     “has neither the easiness of prose, nor the melody of numbers”

Work: “Lives of the poets”

Writer: Samuel Johnson

Art Form: Essay

Publication: 1779

3.     “As a method, realism is a complete failure”

Work: “The Decay of Lying – An Observation”

Writer: Oscar Wide

          Art Form: Essay

          Publication: 1891

4.     “Perishable treasure..... of a body ‘Murdered, forgotten, nameless, terrible”

Work: “Strange Fruit”

Writer: Seamus Heaney

Art Form: Poem

Publication: 1975

5.     “Promotion of European Literatures and science among the natives of India”

Act: The English Education Act

Passed by: Lord William Bentinck

Emphasized: Lord Macaulay

Publication: 1835

6.     “Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree”

Work: “A B C of Reading”

Writer: Ezra Pound

Art Form: Poetry

Publication: 1934

7.     “Poets are nothing but the interpreters of gods”

Work: “Ion”

Writer: Plato

Speaker: Socrates

Art Form: Dialogue

8.     “Which of us I happy in this world? Which us has his desire? Or having it is satisfied”

Work: “Vanity Fair”

Writer: W.M. Thackeray

Art Form: Novel

Publication: 1848

9.     “He that is not with us is against us. He that is not against us is with us”

Work: “Essay of Unity in Religion”

Writer: Francis Bacon

Publication: 1612 and rewritten in 1625

10.              “Culture is ordinary: that is the first fact”

Work: “Resources of Hope”

Writer: Raymond Williams

Art Form: Essay

Publication: 1989

11.              “The great English novelists are Jane Austen, George Eliot, Henry James and Joseph Conrad”

Work: “The Great Tradition”

Writer: F.R. Leavis

Art Form: Literary Criticism

Publication: 1948

12.              “The last temptation is the greatest treason….. To do the right deed for the wrong reason”

Work: “Murder in the Cathedral”

Writer: T.S. Eliot

Speaker: Thomas Becket

Art Form: Drama

Publication: 1935

13. “…you seem to misunderstand me,

By each at once her choppy finger laying

Upon her skinny lips: you should be women,

And yet your beards forbid me to interpret

That you are so.”

Work: “Macbeth”

     Writer:  William Shakespeare  

     Speaker: Banquo

     Art Form: Drama

     Publication: 1606

 14. “Shakespeare’s Hamlet is an artistic failure”

              Work: “The Sacred Wood”

    Writer:  T. S. Eliot 

             Art Form: Essay

             Publication: 1920

 15. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood”

Work: “Lord of the Flies”

     Writer: William Golding   

     Speaker: Boys

     Art Form: Novel

     Publication: 1954

16. “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the World”

Work: “The Defence of Poetry”

     Writer: Percy Shelley 

     Art Form: Essay

     Publication: 1840

17. “Sect of poets…. Dissenters from the established systems in poetry and criticism”

Work: “The Edinburgh Review Volume I”

     Writer: Francis Jeffrey     

     Publication: 1802

18. “Bare like nude giant girls that have no secret.

        The valley with its glit and evening look”

Work: “The Pylons”

     Writer: Stephen Spender      

     Art Form: Poetry

     Publication: 1933

19. “My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense, as though of        Hemlock I had drunk”

Work: “Ode to Nightingale”

     Writer:  John Keats   

     Art Form: Poem

     Publication: 1819    

20. “No, no, go not to Lethe, neither twist

        Wolf’s-bane, tight-rooted, for its poisonous wine;”

Work: “Ode on Melancholy”

     Writer: John Keats   

     Art Form: Poem

     Publication: 1820


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