Bharathidasan university sample question paper | communicative english | English for communication - I | November 2020 | ug degree examination | all first years



S.No. 14816 D


(For candidates admitted from 2020-2021 onwards)


Part II – Communicative English


TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                                                MAXIMUM: 75 MARKS

SECTION A — (10X 2 = 20)

Answer ALL questions.

1. List any four challenges of listening.

2. Identify the verbs in the following lines.

i. The milk for the city comes from a private diary.

ii. After the presidential address, the chief guest inaugurates the cultural week.

3. How important is the topic sentence in a paragraph?

4. Frame sentences using the following adjectives:

i. Expensive

ii. Delicious

iii. Informative

iv. Delightful

5. Distinguish between Skimming and Scanning.

6. What is descriptive writing?

7. Complete the following exchanges with appropriate phrases of opinion:

Arpita: You have been away from your family for a long time. ________ you should

move back home with your family.

Bhaskar: ____________. I really miss my wife and daughter.

8. Define Note taking.

9. Frame sentences using the following expressions:

i. In contrast to

ii. Similarly

10. Choose the best answer:

i. Computers ______ (are similar to / are unlike) mobile phones in their lack of portability.

ii. _____ (In contrast / Both) computers and mobile phones can be used to communicate easily with other people.

SECTION – B (5X5=25Marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either ‘a’ or ‘b’

11. (a) Write a brief note on the benefits of loud reading for students.


(b) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

i. She kept her purse _____ the pillow.

Ii .I had to choose ______ the two alternatives.

iii. We have been in Coonoor  ______ 1990.

iv. There is bridge ______ the river.

v. The child climbed ______ the table.

vi. I bought this book _____ you.

vii. John walked ______ the car.

viii. She has too many problems to deal ____.

ix. _____ dinner, we ate dessert.

x. I have a question to ask related _____ your education.

12. (a) Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Douglas Stuart was born in Sight hill, a housing estate in Glasgow, Scotland. He was the youngest of three siblings. He received a bachelor's degree from the Scottish College of Textiles and a master's degree from the Royal College of Art in London. He had no formal education in literature and notes that while he wanted to study English literature in college, he was discouraged from choosing the subject by a teacher who mentioned that it would "not suit someone from his background," resulting in him subsequently studying textiles instead. He moved to New York City at the age of 24 to begin a career in fashion design. He worked for many brands, including Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republicand Jack Spade, for more than 20 years.Stuart balanced his writing with his design job. It is noted that he started writing his first novel when he was balancing 12-hour shifts as a senior director of design at the Banana Republic. Before his first novel being published, his works were featured on The New Yorker and LitHub. His first novel, Shuggie Bain, won the 2020 Booker Prize, chosen by a judging panel comprising Margaret Busby (chair), Lee Child, Sameer Rahim, LemnSissay, and Emily Wilson. Stuart is the second Scottish author to win the Booker Prize in its 51-year history after it was awarded in 1994 to James Kelman for How Late It Was, How Late, which book Stuart has credited with changing his life since it was "one of the first times he had seen his people and dialect on the page". Stuart said: "When James won in the mid-90s, Scottish voices were seen as disruptive and outside the norm."Shuggie Bain was also long listed for the 2021 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction, shortlisted for the 2020 Center for Fiction First Novel Prize and was a finalist for both the 2020 Kirkus Prizeand the 2020 National Book Award for Fiction. However, when Stuart wrote the novel, responses from publishers were not as encouraging, with the book being rejected by 32 US publishing companiesas well as a dozen in the UK, before it was finally sold to American independent publisher Grove Atlantic, who published it in hardcover on 11 February 2020. Shuggie Bain was later published in the United Kingdom by the Picador imprint of Pan Macmillan.The novel received generally favourable review coverage once it was published. The book was praised for its authentic portrayal of post-industrial working-class Glasgow of the 1980s and early 1990s, and also for his capture of the "wry, indefatigable Glaswegian voice in all its various shades of wit, anger and hope. Speaking at the Booker Prize award ceremony, Margaret Busby, chair of the panel, noted that the book was destined to be a classic, and went on to describe the work as a "moving, immersive and nuanced portrait of a tight-knit social world, its people and its values.In November 2020, Stuart revealed that he had finished his second novel, Loch Awe, also set in mid-1990s Glasgow. The book is a love story between two young men, set against the backdrop of postindustrial Glasgow, with its territorial gangs, and divisions across sectarian lines. In his words, the book is about "toxic masculinity" and the violence that can stem from pressures on working-class boys to "man-up"

1. What did Douglas wish to learn at college?

2. What is the name of Douglas Stuart’s first novel that received the 2020 Booker Prize?

3. What was the book praised for?

4. Who was the first Scottish author to win The Booker Prize?

5. Where was the second novel Loch Awe set in?


(b) Explain the following topics in your own words:

i. Intensive reading

ii. Extensive reading

13.(a) Fill in the blanks choosing an appropriate word from the list given below:

(can’t miss, straight, turn, take, on )

i. If you go up to the fifth floor, you'll find his office ____ your right as you come out of the elevator.

ii. Go to the end of the road and ____ left by the traffic lights.

iii. _____ a right just after the supermarket.

iv. You ____ his house, it's painted bright pink!

v. Go ____ up to the end of the road.



(b) Choose the correct verb from those in brackets:

i.He thanked me for what I ______. (have done, had done, have been doing)

ii.When we went to the cinema, the film ______. (already started, had already started, would already start)

iii. I know all about that film because I _____ it twice. (saw, have seen, had seen)

iv.I ______ my exercise by then. (has written, written, shall have written)

v.I ______ him since we met a year ago. (didn’t see, haven’t seen, hadn’t seen)

14. (a)Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of verbs given in brackets:

i.If you heat butter, it ______(melt).

ii.If you want, I ____(post) this letter.

iii.If I ______ (money), I will buy books.

iv.If you sit in sun, you _____ (get) burnt.

v.If there is no rain, drought ______ (follow).


(b) Make notes on the passage given below:

The World Health Organization began a DDT spraying program which virtually eliminated malaria. But other things began to happen. Besides 168 killing mosquitoes, the DDT killed other insects that lived in the houses, such as flies and cockroaches. These insects were the favourite food of geckos (small lizards). And so when the geckos ate the dead insects, they died from DDT poisoning. Similarly, the house cats ate the dead geckos and cockroaches, and they too died from the DDT poisoning. As a result, the rat population rose sharply, and the human population of Borneo began to die from a type of plague carried by fleas on the rats. In order to deal with the emergency, thousands of cats were parachuted into the island, in what was called ‘Operation Cat Drop’.

15.(a) Write a note on Group discussion and its significance.


(b) Construct a conversation for the following situation:

Your teacher is lecturing in your class and you don’t follow a particular point. You interrupt her for clarification.

SECTION – C (3X10=30Marks)

Answer any THREE questions

16. Write an essay on the usage of Dictionaries and bring out its relevance in vocabulary building.

17. Explain in detail the different types of paragraph.

18. Imagine that you are Prakash Kumar, the sports captain of your college. Write an e-mail letter to Pradeep Sports Store, M.G. Road, Kochi, placing an order for a list of sports items and asking for a discount on the catalogue price.

19. Write an essay on a scary incident you witnessed using a third-person narration.

20. Rewrite as directed:

i. Akbar was one of the greatest kings. (Positive)

ii. Very few cities in India are as big as Chennai. (Comparative)

iii .The aeroplane flies faster than birds. (positive)

iv. Very few Indo-Anglian Novelists are as great as R.K. Narayanan. (Superlative)

v. No other storybook is so popular as The Arabian Nights. (Comparative)

vi. Iron is more useful than any other metal. (Superlative)

vii . I am as strong as him. (Comparative)

viii. Kiran is not so clever as some other girls of the class. (Positive)

ix. Mumbai is richer than most other cities in India. (Superlative)

x. India is the largest democracy in the world. (Comparative)


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