Q & A ON William Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice | PART 3| Phoenix of literature




                                              - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

1) Who are presented before the Duke in court scene?

Ans: Antonio and Shylock

2) Who is ready to pay Antonio's debts?

Ans: Bassanio

3) Who is not ready to show mercy on Antonio?

Ans: Shylock

4) Who has both personal and community based vengeance on Antonio?

Ans: Shylock

5) Who is the Male clerk?

Ans: Nerissa

6) Name the Male clerk.

Ans: Nerissa disguised as a male clerk in the name of Stephano.

7) Who acts as a lawyer in Antonio case?

Ans: Portia

8) Did shylock cut the pound of flesh at the end?

Ans: No

9) Who seek permission in the court for Portia to argue as a lawyer?

Ans: Nerissa

10) Who came as a lawyer for the replacement of Dr. Bellario?

Ans: Portia

11) What did Portia demand to shylock when he is not ready to cut a flesh of Antonio?

Ans: Portia asks Shylock to give half of his property to Antonio and another half to the Venice state.

12) How did Portia trapped shylock by using his own bond?

Ans: Portia argues that Shylock only mentioned to cut a pound of flesh from the body of Antonio in the bond but not blood. So, if one drop of blood comes out from Antonio while cutting the flesh that Shylock will be severely punished.

13) What was not written in the bond as per Portia's argument?

Ans: Blood

14) Did Antonio accept the property of Shylock?

Ans: No

15) What did Antonio says about the property of Shylock?

Ans: Antonio asks Duke to give Shylock's property to Lorenzo and Jessica

16) What did Duke asked Portia to come along with him?

Ans: For a Dinner

17) Did Portia accept Duke’s request?

Ans: No

18) What is the token of love, Portia brings to Bassanio?

Ans: Ring

19) What did Lawyer demands Bassanio as a present for saved Antonio?

Ans: A ring which was given by Portia as a token of love

20) Who asked Bassanio for ring?

Ans: Young Doctor of Rome

21) Name the young doctor of Rome.

Ans: Balthasar

22) Who is disguised as a male lawyer in the name of Balthasar?

Ans: Portia

23) Who handed over Bassanio's ring to Portia?

Ans: Gratiano

24) What did Portia asks Gratiano to help Nerissa?

Ans: Portia asked him to show the house of Shylock to Nerissa

25) Who convinced Bassanio to give Portia's ring to male lawyer?

Ans: Antonio

26) Who is called young doctor of law in the court scene?

Ans: Portia

27) Name the servants of Portia.

Ans: Balthasar and Stephano

28) Who gave Antonio's letter to Bassanio in Belmont?

Ans: Salerio

29) Who delivers Portia's letter to Dr. Bellario?

Ans: Balthasar

30) How did Gratiano insulted shylock in the court?

Ans: He calls him a incarnation of wolf and always having hungry for blood

31) Name the philosopher mentioned by Gratiano in court scene

Ans: Pythagoras

32) Which is considered as the best quality for mightiest kings and monarch mentioned by Portia?

Ans: To show Mercy

32) Who is twice blessed?

Ans: Those who shows mercy on others are called twice blessed

33) What are the two gifts asked by Antonio in the court scene?

Ans: Antonio wants Shylock to give his property to Lorenzo and Jessica and He wants Shylock to convert into Christian.

34) Who take cares of Belmont in the absence of Portia?

Ans: Lorenzo

35) What did Portia and Nerissa informed to Belmont people about their journey?

Ans: They informed that they are going to make journey to monasteries during the absence of their husbands

36) How many ships of Antonio are returned in the end?

Ans: Three

37) Where did Dr. Bellario live?

Ans: Padua

38) How much money was offered by Bassanio to Shylock as compensation when he was ready to accept money in the court?

Ans: 6000 ducats

39) "The motions of his spirit are dl as night

And his affections dark as Erebus.

Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music. "

Who is the speaker of these lines?

Ans: Lorenzo

40) Who gave ring to Gratiano as a token of love?

Ans: Nerissa

41) What was written on the ring of Gratiano?

Ans: "Love me, and leave me not"

42) "Gave it a judge's clerk! no, God's my judge,

The Clerk will ne'er wear hair on's face that had it."

Who is the speaker of these lines?

Ans: Nerissa

43) " Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond;

Double six thousand, and then treble that,"

Who is the speaker of these lines?

Ans: Portia

44) Who was announced to Portia and Bassanio that Gratiano and Nerissa are going to marry?

Ans: Gratiano

45) Who was send by Portia with a message to Dr. Bellario?

Ans: His servant named Balthasar

46) Venice is portrayed as___________.

Ans: Central city for trade

47) How much money was offered by Bassanio to young doctor of Rome?

Ans: 3000 ducats

48) Who announces that Antonio ships are not lost in sea?

Ans: Portia

49) What did Antonio want from his friend Bassanio before he dies in the hand of Shylock?

Ans: Antonio wants to see his friend Bassanio before he dies

50) Who is called Alien in the play "The Merchant of Venice"?

Ans: Shylock; because Venice is not a birth place of Shylock.


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