Q & A on William Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice | part 2 | phoenix of literature


PART - 2

Q & A on William Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice | part 2 | phoenix of literature

1)      Portia is a rich heiress of ------------.
Ans: Belmont

2)      Prince of Morocco asks Portia “not to dislike him” for ---------.
Ans: Dark Complexion

3)      Which casket was chosen by prince of Morocco?
Ans: Gold

4)      Who was thrice defeated by Prince of Morocco?
Ans: Sultan of Turkey

5)      Name the Sultan of Turkey.
Ans: Solyman

6)      Who was killed by Prince of Morocco?
Ans: King of Persia

7)      Who is the Jester of the play?
Ans: Launcelot Gobbo

8)      Who was leaved the service of Shylock and joined Bassanio?
Ans: Launcelot Gobbo

9)      Why did Launcelot leaved the service of Shylock?
Ans: Shylock not gave enough food and treat Launcelot properly

10)   Who has an extremely poor vision?
Ans: The Old Gobbo

11)   Why did Old Gobbo seems heartbroken?
Ans: Launcelot pranked him that Old Gobbo’s son was dead

12)   What is the relationship between Old Gobbo and Launcelot?
Ans: Old Gobbo is the father of Launcelot Gobbo

13)   What is the mother name of Launcelot?
Ans: Margery

14)  What is the name of Gobbo’s horse?
Ans: Dobbin

15)   Who asks permission to Bassanio to make merry at Bassanio’s dinner party?
Ans: Gratiano

16)   What did Gratiano and other friends of Bassanio plans for a dinner party?
Ans: Masquerade

17)  Who delivered Jessica’s letter to Lorenzo?
Ans: Launcelot

18)   Who is going to play the role of torch bearer?
Ans: Jessica

19)   For whom did Lorenzo told that he is going to elope with Jessica secretly?
Ans: Gratiano

20)  What did Jessica had stolen from her father?
Ans: Ducats (money) and Jewellery

21)   Name the places that Antonio invested his money for trade?
Ans: Tripolis, Indies, Mexico and England

22)  Who bids farewell to Launcelot in Act II?
Ans: Jessica

23)  “I shall end this strife,
Become a Christian and thy loving wife”
Who is the speaker of these lines?
Ans: Jessica

24)  Whom did Shylock hands over his keys?
Ans: Jessica

25)  What did Shylock saw in his dream?
Ans: Money bags

26)   What was the inscription written outside gold casket?
Ans: “Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire”

27)   What did Prince of Morocco found inside the gold casket?
Ans: A written scroll contains the words of “All that glitters is not gold”

28)  Who chose the silver casket?
Ans: Prince of Arragon

29)  What was the inscription written outside silver casket?
Ans: “Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves”

30)  What did Prince of Morocco found inside the gold casket?
Ans: It contains the picture of a blinking idiot and a paper with the words of “Now go away, for you have had your try”

31)   Who chose the lead Casket?
Ans: Bassanio

32)  What was the inscription written outside gold casket?
Ans: “Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath”

33)  Who sail to Belmont along with Bassanio?
Ans: Gratiano

34)  Who conformed to Shylock that Lorenzo and Jessica are not sail with Bassanio?
Ans: Antonio

35)   What is Rialto?
Ans: A Business gathering place in Venice for merchants

36)  Where did ship of Antonio is said to be get wrecked?
Ans: The place called Goodwins

37)  Who informed the news to shylock that Antonio has lost his ships at sea?
Ans: Tubal

38)  Who was spied by Jessica after her elopement?
Ans: Tubal

39)   Where did Jessica go after her elopement with Lorenzo?
Ans: Genoa   

40)  What did Jessica exchange to buy a monkey?
Ans: Turquoise ring

41)  Name the wife of Shylock.
Ans: Leah

42)  Who gave the Turquoise ring to Shylock?
Ans: Leah

43)  “I would my daughter were dead…………
……… and the ducats in her coffin!”
Who is the speaker of these lines?
       Ans: Shylock

44)  What did Bassanio found inside the lead casket?
Ans: Portia’s counterfeit (portrait)

45)  Name the countrymen of Shylock.
Ans: Chus

46)  What did Portia gave to Bassanio as a token of love?
Ans: Ring

47)  Who got married with Portia and Bassanio at the same day?
Ans: Nerissa and Gratiano

48)   Who informed Bassanio that Antonio’s ship got wrecked?
Ans: Salerio

49)  Who are presented before the Duke in Court scene?
Ans: Antonio and Shylock

50)  Who is ready to pay Antonio’s debts?
Ans: Bassanio


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