Mcq on Jeremy Collier | 1650 - 1726 | Restoration Age | English literature | Phoenix of literature

RESTORATION AGE (1600 – 1700)

MCQ on JEREMY COLLIER (1650 – 1726)

1.      Who is Jeremy Collier?
a)    Poet
b)    Dramatist
c)     Theatre Critic
d)    Novelist
2.     Jeremy Collier is well known for his ------------work.
a)    Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain
b)    Defence of the Short View
c)     Communion Office
d)    Reasons for Restoring Some Prayers
3.     “Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain” by Collier was published in the year of -------------.
a)    1708
b)    1808
c)     1608
d)    1508
4.     Jeremy Collier’s “Short view of the Immortality and Profaneness of the English Stage” (1698) attacked ---------------.
a)    Legitimacy of new monarchs
b)    The Coarseness and ugliness of restoration theatre
c)     The deprival of the non-junior bishops
d)    Puritanical restrictions
5.     Jeremy Collier is a supporter of King ------------.

a)    James II
b)    Charles II
c)     Henry II
d)    Edward II
6.     Who defended the restoration comedy of manners against Collier’s charge of immortality?
a)    John Dryden
b)    William Wycherley
c)     Edward Filmer
d)    John Vanbrugh
7.     Name the work Fimer wrote in 1707 against Collier’s charge of Immortality?
a)    A Defence of plays
b)    The Unnatural Brother
c)     The Novelty
d)    The Unfortunate Couple
8.     Name the work of Collier wrote to fire back Edward Filmer?
a)    Defence of Short View
b)    Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain
c)     Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
d)    Communion Office
9.     “Defence of Short View” by Collier was published in the year of ---------.
a)    1799
b)    1899
c)     1699
d)    1999
10.   Name the work collier wrote to reply Filmer’s “Defence of Plays”.
a)    A Farther Vindication of the Short View
b)    Communion Office
c)     Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain
d)    A Short View of the Immortality and Profaneness of the English Stage
11.   “A Farther Vindication of the Short View” was published in the year of --------------.
a)    1709
b)    1708
c)     1706
d)    1705
12.   Who attacked the comedy of manners in his work in 1698?
a)    John Dryden
b)    Jeremy Collier
c)     Edward Filmer
d)    Thomas Dekker
13.   Name the Playwrights, Collier attacked in his work “A Short View of the Immortality and Profaneness of the English Stage".
a)    Wycherley, Dryden, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Thomas D’Urfey
b)    Filmer, Dekker, Dampier, John Gay and Aphra Behn
c)     Samuel Pepys, Butler, Thomas Otway and Colley Cibber
d)    Thomas Rhymer and George Farquhar
14.   Which work was translated by Collier into English?
a)    Reasons for Restoring some Prayers
b)    Communion Office
c)     Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
d)    Defence of Short View
15.  Who allowed women to act on stage in collier’s period?
a)    King Charles II
b)    King James II
c)     King Henry II
d)    King Edward II
16.  Name the encylopedias published by Collier in 1701?
a)    The Great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Poetical Dictionary
b)    Academic American Encyclopedia and The Children’s Encyclopedia
c)     The Complete Compendium of Universal Language
d)    English Encyclopaedia and English Cyclopaedia
17. Where was Collier buried?
a)    Westminster Abbey
b)    Old St. Pancras Churchyard
c)     Boston Cemetery
d)    Blackley Cemetery
18.  In which year, theatres were closed during the English Civil War?
a)    1642
b)    1672
c)     1692
d)    1652
19.  “Essay upon Several Moral Subjects” was written by?
a)    Jeremy Collier
b)    Thomas Dekker
c)     Colley Cibber
d)    John Wilmot
20.  “Essay upon Several Moral Subjects” was published in the year of ------------.
a)    1697
b)    1797
c)     1897
d)    1997
21.  “Essay upon Several Moral Subjects” has divided into ---------- parts.
a)    Five
b)    Seven
c)     Two
d)    Three
22.  “God Not the Origin of Evil” was written by?
a)    Jeremy Collier
b)    Edward Filmer
c)     John Dryden
d)    Thomas Dekker
23.  Where did Collier agrees to made lecturer in 1685?
a)    Old Ferry Boat Inn
b)    Gray’s Inn
c)     Tan Hill Inn
d)    Thornhill’s Inn
24.  For -------------- revolution, Collier supports James II.
a)    French Revolution
b)    Glorious Revolution
c)     Black Revolution
d)    Golden Revolution
25.  Where did Collier went to wrote pamphlet in 1688 to support King James II?
a)    Western Gate
b)    New Gate
c)     Southern Gate
d)    Old Gate
26.   “Reasons for Restoring Some Prayers” was published in the year of -------------.
a)    1717
b)    1817
c)     1617
d)    1917
27.  Who wrote “Reasons for Restoring Some Prayers”?
a)    Rochester
b)    Thomas Heywood
c)     Collier
d)    Harold Pinter
28.  “Communion Office” was published in the year of ------------.
a)    1718
b)    1719
c)     1720
d)    1721
29.  Jeremy Collier’s “Short View of the Profaneness and Immortality of the English Stage” is called ------------- comedy.
a)    Sentimental
b)    Romantic
c)     Tragic
d)    Comedy of Manners
30.  Who protest for anti-theatrical in 1690?
a)    Robert Frost
b)    Andrew Marvell
c)     Jeremy Collier
d)    Thomas Dekker


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