The Song Summary by Balakrishna Sama - Phoenixofliterature


“The song”

                                -Balkrishna Sama


summary of song

Balkrishna Sama was a Nepalese playwright and poet. He is regarded as the ‘Shakespeare’ of Nepal because of his great contribution to Nepali literature. In the poem The Song Sama talks about the change and divinity that happened in the universe when Krishna plays his flute. Lord Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu. He is worshipped as a God in Hinduism. There are lot of stories are narrated about Krishna’s glory and his love for mankind.  Bhagavad gita talks about his preaching to human life. He was known for his clever and miscellaneous activities. This poem celebrates the musical power of Lord Krishna over the universe.


The poet begins his poem that Lord Krishna lives in the place Mathura (which is believed to be the birthplace of Krishna) and he is very much skilled in playing flute. While hearing the allured music of flute, all the living creature in the earth are forget themselves and enjoy his music. The poet says that his music navigates into the heart of all the creatures and makes themselves to express their love towards other creatures.


 Then he compares that Krishna’s music is like ‘to drink fresh juice from fruits’.  All the grasses are proudly down its head on the land when they hear Krishna’s flute sound. The fishes in the pond are jumps out of water to hear his music. The Peacocks are stunned by his music and unknowingly fall their feathers for the Lord Krishna. The Cuckoos and Nightingale birds are tear their breast and falls down from the branches of the tree by the allured music of Krishna. The milkmaids are weeps bitterly and their eye lashes are trapped in the music of Krishna.


 The poet compares Krishna’s music to the river which flows into the earth. The power of his music on nature, animals, and human beings makes Krishna happy. The music of Krishna makes heaven and earth to kiss each other in joy.




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