
Showing posts from January, 2021

A little incident summary by Lu Hsun

  “A Little Incident”                      _Lu Hsun BEING HUMAN IS GIVEN. BUT KEEPING OUR HUMANITY IS A CHOICE. The story "A Little Incident" was written by Lu Hsun. He was a Chinese writer, essayist, poet and literary critic. In this story, the writer narrates the mentality of people who are not aware of others pains and sufferings. Even they are not ready to listen and help them. In this materialistic world, people mind are occupied by technology. This leads to the un empathetic situations in the world. The writer tries to convey the importance of empathy and helping tendency by one little incident. The Incident in Narrator’s Life: The narrator talks about an incident that happened in six years before when he came to the capital from the village. During that time, many events are occurred known as   ”affairs of the state”. In our life we had seen or heard lot of things that changed and affected our heart but most probably we doesn’t have a strong impact on them and

His spouse summary by Zawgyi

  “His Spouse”                    _ Zawgyi "IT IS NOT A LACK OF LOVE, BUT A LACK OF FRIENDSHIP"                                                                                                   - FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE The short story “His Spouse” was written by zawgyi. He was a poet, author, literary historian, critic, scholar and academic. He was a Burmese (Myanmar) writer. The word spouse means companion or partner and it is used for both male and female who is married. In this story, Ko Hsin wants to became an Buddhist monk and decided to leave his family. But his wife Ma Paw needs Hsin’s love and protection so that she didn’t fight with him and made him to forget Hsin decision to be monk. Ko Hsin’s Dream : Hsin is a coach in a Buddhist monastery.   He is thirty three years old. He always shows care and smiling face towards others. In his village Hsin is an important person in functions especially in marriages. But he only protect and show affection to his family oth

Moon Festival Summary by Bei Dao

                                                      “Moon Festival” -           Bei Dao "THE MOON IS MAGIC FOR THE SOUL AND LIGHT FOR THE SENSES"   This poem was written by Bei Dao.   He is a Chinese poet, professor, essayist and fiction writer. He has been nominated for Nobel prize in literature continuously many years. Moon festival talks about the cold war in 1989. His poem provoked the people of china. He wants the people gathered like an ocean and voice out against the struggles of the innocent people. This poem indirectly conveys the message for people of china to wake up for themselves. Background story of “Moon Festival”   The Moon festival was celebrated by ancient Chinese people. In ancient times, the people said there are ten Suns are given light to the day. So the people are died due to unbearable heat of the Suns. In that time a person named Hou Yi shot nine Suns and saved the people from the burning rays. Because of that the queen of heaven gave hi